Sunday, March 29, 2015

Educator Effectiveness Documentation Log

Educator Effectiveness Documentation Logs

At our staff meeting on Tuesday, you'll have time to work on your documentation
logs. Within the Educator Effectiveness tab on my blog, I have the table showing what components you're responsible for each year of your evaluation cycle and an updated HP timeline

During our work session on Tuesday morning we will  upload documents into my learning plan.   Be thinking of possible documents that fit under the standards 2, 4, 6 and save them on your desktop.  You will need to bring your own computer.

Standard 2 ~ Instructional Planning
    • Differentiation in lesson planning and practice based on data sources
    • Outline of a lesson with differentiation for multiple ability levels and learning styles
    • Modifications of  classroom level assessments
    • Evidence of technology integration
    • Computer-generated presentation materials
    • Unit overviews- Integrated Unit
    • Teacher-made instructional materials (e.g. handouts)
    • Written evidence of integrating writing and content reading into classroom instruction (e.g., a list of reading and writing activities in content lessons)
    • Evidence of enrichment activity planned
    • Annotated samples or photos of instructional materials created by you
    • Pre-assessment samples
    • List of formative/summative assessment use/examples
    • Google Classroom

Standard 4 ~ Assessment For/Of Learning

    • Samples of teacher-made formative and summative assessments
    • Brief report describing your record keeping system and how it is used to monitor student progress
    • Scoring rubric(s) and summary of how used
    • Samples of educational reports, progress reports, or letters prepared for parents or students
    • Evidence of students’ self-reflection and/or self-monitoring
    • Assessment feedback to students
    • Evidence of collaboration with instructional coaches
    • Electronic pensieve anecdotal records- Running records,Comprehension Checks

Standard 6 ~ Professionalism

  • Professional Development Log
  • Examples of collaborative work with peers – reflection, description, co-teaching lesson, etc.
  • Documentation of in-service training or coursework
  • PDP annual reflection
  • Parent nights - presentations for group/classroom
  • Community service
  • Parent perception data
  • Service on committees - school, district, civic
  • Staff presentation evidence
  • Mentoring documentation

Here is a video teaching you the process if adding an artifact.  One document  for Standard 6 is a professional development log. This is something you can be adding to every year of your evaluation cycle to show you're effective or distinguished in the area of professionalism. This log is available in your my files tab in mylearningplan, and it looks like this.

You can download this document and be adding to it each year from now until your summative evaluation.

Remember all teachers need to upload three documents total this year (except year three probationary teachers:  one document).  Teachers on cycle for evaluation need to have their documentation logs reflected on and submitted to me before May 1st.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Planning for Guided Reading

Planning for Guided Reading

In the world of personalizing instruction, using the DOK that we learned about from TLA members last week is a way to add rigor.

Our SMART Team has designated this week's staff meeting to using the updated data to plan for your guided reading groups to help all students grow as readers and to appropriately stretch them.  You can work individually or as a team.

1.  Create new guided reading groups
2.  Think about how we can add depth to thinking using the DOK or the Fountas and Pinell Continuum.  DOK Wheel   DOK Question Stems
3.  Plan for Guided Reading Groups
4.  Here is another cool resource from Mary Beth Elliot that you may want to check out.
 The Differentator

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Revising Learning Targets for Depth, Student Ownership, and Variety

Revising Learning Targets for... 
Student Ownership 

We will be looking this week at how we prepare students for deeper thinking through the use of Learning Targets.  You may be familiar with Blooms Taxonomy of Questions and the Rigor and Relevance matrix to get to depth.   Depth of Knowledge is the framework used by our Badger/ Smarter Balanced Exam.    

Our TLA leaders, Julie Zamzow, Michele Delong, and Lori Head will be sharing how to use Depth of Knowledge (DOK) to shift learning targets to be more rigorous.  Click here for our presentation.  

Your homework for our next staff meeting.
1.  Please bring 1 learning target from any subject to analyze at the staff meeting. 

2.  Please comment on the blog with questions or difficulties you have using learning targets in your classroom.

Immerse/ Frontload
Click here to learn more about DOK:  Learn about DOK

Here are the 4 levels of Depth of Knowledge.

Level 1: Recall and Reproduction

Tasks at this level require recall of facts or rote application of simple procedures. The task does not require any cognitive effort beyond remembering the right response or formula. Copying, computing, defining, and recognizing are typical Level 1 tasks.

Level 2: Skills and Concepts

At this level, a student must make some decisions about his or her approach. Tasks with more than one mental step such as comparing, organizing, summarizing, predicting, and estimating are usually Level 2.

Level 3: Strategic Thinking

At this level of complexity, students must use planning and evidence, and thinking is more abstract. A task with multiple valid responses where students must justify their choices would be Level 3. Examples include solving non-routine problems, designing an experiment, or analyzing characteristics of a genre.

Level 4: Extended Thinking

Level 4 tasks require the most complex cognitive effort. Students synthesize information from multiple sources, often over an extended period of time, or transfer knowledge from one domain to solve problems in another. Designing a survey and interpreting the results, analyzing multiple texts by to extract themes, or writing an original myth in an ancient style would all be examples of Level 4.
Investigate/ Coalesce- Tuesday's Staff Meeting
Information from TLA members at staff meeting.  Click here for our presentation.
DOK Wheel
DOK Question Stems

Go Public
Reflect on your learning targets.   What level in DOK do they fall?
How can you move to the next level with some small shifts.
Rubric to analyze questions or assessment tasks.