Thursday, April 28, 2016

End of the Year Planning- May 5 Late Start

May 3- PLC- Choice

May 5- Late Start  8-10:45
1. Professional Goal Setting Review- SLO Final Results if you have Data & Reflect on PPG.  If finished,  SLO End of Year Meetings 

2. Work on GMail & Google Calendar

3. End of the Year Packets
All links are embedded in the presentation.
Hard copies will be in your mailbox.  
Class List input

 May 5- 4:01- Teacher Appreciation Happy Hour at Willow River Inn- Please RSVP

May 7- Fun Run

May 10- PLC- Choice

May 17- PLC- SLO Prep

May 20- Fountas and Pinell Data is due in Google Drive

May 23- PLC- SLO is due- Please submit
Submit end of the year SLO and reflection of PPG
EP Teacher/ Specialist  Professional Goal Setting Review with final data updated

May 24- SLO Meetings for all teachers on cycle.  It is optional for the rest.  SLO End of Year Meetings 

May 19-June 4-30 minute Summative Conferences will be scheduled  with Susie for all teachers on cycle.

We will fill out forms and try it this way.

Please fill out a form 1 per person once you have their updated F & P Level.

June 1- 9:00am Yearbook Signing

June 2- 2:45- Kickball

June 3-  9:15- 11-Outdoor Activities
             11:15-1:30- Regular Picnic Lunch
      2:30-3:00- All School Meeting
      3-3:30- Closure in classrooms
      3:40- All School Wave
End of the Year Party at Susie’s
4261 Bailey Lake Drive
Woodbury, MN 55129   
East of East ridge HS

June 4- Check Out

Friday, April 22, 2016

Making Guided Reading Appropriately Challenging for your Students

 Making Guided Reading Appropriately Challenging for your Students 

Tues. PLC
 Chloe will come to your team to plan together for a GR lesson on a high level skills.
1.  Bring a GR book set for your high readers.
2. Bring post it notes and any planning forms you use.  I will have Jan Richardson on the counter.
3.  Together your team will create a lesson together that you can use.

Thursday Staff Meeting
Planning on your own or with your team

Next Steps
May 20- Update all F& P levels on Google Spreadsheet
May 23- May 27- Confer with students below grade level expectations during Target Time.

What do students need to learn?
Determine instructional reading level

Find books/articles at instructional level and interest level
Use Fountas and Pinnell Continuum  to determine skills

How can I organize a plan?

What teaching strategies can I use?
Guided Reading Questions A-Z

Friday, April 15, 2016

K-6 Vertical Guided Reading Learning April 19

April 19, 2016  Day 1
Learning Targets:  
We know what is expected in the next grade level in the area of reading.
We can refine our guided reading lessons to appropriately challenge our students with higher levels of  thinking and rigor.
45 minutes observation of next grade level GR (10-15 min/ class)
30 minutes reflection with Instructional Coach and team
***Grade levels will need to adjust guided reading schedules***
8-9:15- 5th observes 6th Grade
9:15- 10:30- 1st observes 2nd Grade
10:30-11:45- 2nd observes 3rd Grade
11:45-12:15- Lunch
12:15-1:30- K observes 1st Grade
1:30-2:45- 4th observes 5th grade
2:45- 4:00- 3rd observes 4th grade

Kim Harrigan
Maeta Gherty
Pat Mara
Susie Prather



1:30- 2:45

Please do not do anything different than you do daily.  
Teachers will spend 10-15 minutes in each class and reflect on their learning after.  Please make sure your schedules are adjusted so you are doing guided reading at that time.

Thank you for being open to share the great gifts we have at HP. 
Your forms will be in your mailboxes.

Chloe will be with you leading the team in discussions. 

I know some teams want to plan which class you see first.  
Please let Chloe know the order.

Before Reading
Activates prior knowledge (picture walk)
Raises questions
Introduces vocabulary
Setting a purpose for reading
*Models an instructional point to set a purpose for reading. (Gradual Release)
During Reading
Teachers listens to students read individually and coaches them. (No choral or round robin)
Anecdotal records taken- Running Record or Comprehension Inventory, or informal notes
*Provides them with feedback including  a praise or a prompt on specific reading goals.
After Reading
*Reflects on teaching point and student goals and reteaches if necessary.
Responds to reading with a comprehension focus through higher order questioning. (Verbally or Written)

Lab Classroom Observation
Review Norms:
I will be open- minded.
I will learn from my colleagues.
I will be non-evaluative.

Review Jobs
Host Teacher’s Job
Guest Teacher’s Job
Student’s Job
Be actively engaged in teaching your students.
Don’t do anything different.
Share any planning resources you utilize.
Be quiet, listen and take notes on your thinking
Be engaged in your classroom and ignore the guests

Focus for Observation:  
We know what is expected in the next grade level in the area of reading.
We can refine our guided reading lessons to appropriately challenge our students with higher levels of  thinking and rigor.


I noticed….
I wonder…



Post Observation
I learned…

I will let go…

I will sustain…

I will start…

Friday, April 8, 2016

Gmail/ Google Calendar- April 14

Gmail and Google Calendar PD Plan for HP
April 14th Late Start 

8-8:30 Breakfast at HS

8:50-9- Watch Introduction Video- 10 min. From Nancy Dressel  
               (You can skip this if you watched it on your own.)
9- 10:30- Breakout session

Before (Please complete prior to April 14)
  • Watch Introduction Video- 10 min. From Nancy Dressel  (Optional if you want to watch on your own and start at 9:00)
  • Clean up email- delete old emails
  • Forward Gmail prior to the meeting
  • Bring a digital photo on laptop
  • All teachers and support staff are invited to learn with us.
  • Choose level of training you wish HP Sign Up
  • Explore Technology Google Site- link on blog on right side

Investigate/ Coalesce

Jodi Magee/Jessica Swavely
Computer Lab
Maija Stubbendick
Media Center
Susie Prather
Art Room
Guided Practice
Conference Room

Go Public

  • PLC follow exploration- choose your own time
  • Staff Meeting Work time April 21
  • Migration will happen 4/22-4/24
  • Help will be onsite 4/25.
  • May 9 we will be all GMail