Monday, October 28, 2013

Decisions on Using Resources

On Tuesday, we will be discussing how we can make decisions about resources to use with our students.   Please bring a laptop or I pad so we can complete this form collaboratively.  Save this link for a Google form.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Hudson Professional Learning Google Site

Thank you to Nancy Dressel for supporting our use of technology.  We have started a Google Sire to organize our professional learning and to help us refer to learning opportunities we have had   

Check it out at:

There is a shortcut on the right tab entitled Hudson Professional Learning for your reference.
Please let me know if you would like anything added and if you have suggestions for improvement.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Common Core Standards

A  lot of questions have been circulating about the Common Core State Standards and some have come up during conferences. The Common Core Standards are being challenged around the state.   A  few state legislators have reopened the Common Core issue and are conducting hearings around the state.  As professionals, we need to educate people about the Common Core State Standards and dispel myths about the standards.  We are the professionals who work with the standards on a daily basis to guide our instruction and educate our kids.  I want you to be prepared to speak to parents, friends and family who ask about the CCSS standards that guide our work everyday.  

Here are some great resources from the WI DPI regarding the CCSS.  Your work with the standards and the impact for students are powerful in educating people about the standards.

 DPI CCSS Toolkit 

 Myths and Facts article

The next hearing close to Hudson is scheduled for:

Wednesday, October 23 (2:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m.) Eau Claire –Chippewa Valley Technical College

I will be testifying on behalf of WASCD educating the state about the CCSS on Wednesday.  We will have representatives from Hudson testifying as well and I will share quotes from them. I believe Dan Koch and Sandi Kovatch will also be testifying. Here is my prepared statement:

My name is Susie Prather and I am the principal at Hudson Prairie Elementary school in Hudson, Wisconsin.  I am here as a representative of the Wisconsin Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development.  

WASCD has been a state leader in curriculum and instruction for 65 years.  The organization is non-partisan with a focus on improving student achievement through quality curriculum and instruction. Members of the organization include superintendents, curriculum directors, principals, teachers, and other educational professionals.

As experts in curriculum and instruction, we are committed to supporting the use of the Common Core standards as the foundation for the instruction and assessments.
The state's previous Model Academic Standards were a patchwork of expectations only providing what students should know and be able to do at grades 4, 8, and 12.  The Common Core Standards provide a clearly articulated set of expectations across each grade level.

By having a consistent set of academic expectations through Common Core Standards, districts are able to collaborate and develop greater opportunities for equity and access to key skills and concepts that are aligned with college and career expectations.

The Common Core Standards serve as a guide for local districts. The standards are not curriculum. Districts still have local control related to specific outcomes, curriculum, resources and assessments that are used.  In Hudson, we have used the standards to guide our planning of instruction, use of resources, and in developing rigorous assessments for the past three years.

Long term, the question that needs to be asked is "Do the Common Core Standards in reading and math better position our Wisconsin students to be competitive nationwide and worldwide, in college and viable careers?"   

As an educator, I know the Common Core Standards will do just that and will prepare students to be successful contributors to our world.

Institutes of higher education support the Common Core Standards because it raises the bar for our students.  Businesses across the state support the Common Core because students better understand and can use critical skills in math, literacy, and problem solving to be more effective employees. 

WASCD, with its 700 members, goes on record as supporting the Common Core Standards as a significant component of systemic improvement in math and literacy across the state.


I want to thank all of you for your professionalism with the development of SLO's the past 2 days.  I am inspired by your professionalism and commitment to helping all students learn.  I want to thank you for the awesome demonstration of collaboration and teamwork we have at Hudson Prairie.

Don't forget to check out  for more resources and let me know if you have anything to add.  Here are new items added today!

  1. On Step 1 tab I added Amanda McCarthy's step by step overview of her development of an SLO using the guiding questions from DPI.  
  1. Here is a 5 minute video from DPI on an overview of SLO's.  It is located on the home page.

Our next steps:

Thursday Oct. 24-  I will come to day 6 collaboration meetings to support your SLO development.    Some teams are ready to go through the approval criteria on the following form: Wi SLO selection Approval Rubric

Oct. 31 & Nov. 1- SLO Goal Approval Meetings.  Sign up on Susie's door.  We will reflect on the approval criteria here Wi SLO selection Approval Rubric

Nov. & Dec.- Collect Evidence

Jan. 15 - Midyear Conference/ Adjust Goal and strategies and support if needed

Feb.- April-  Collect Evidence

May 27 - Submit evidence of Goal Attainment and evaluation meeting

Monday, October 14, 2013

Introduction to a Blog

How do I navigate a blog?

How do I post a comment?

These tutorials were made by screenr!

Please let me know if you have any additions or suggestions for improvement of this blog.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Connecting with Families at Conferences

Conferences are an important time to connect with families.  We are fortunate at Hudson Prairie with the great partnerships we have formed with our families.  I spent time celebrating with my friends this weekend and was listening to them sharing about their own children's conference.  My friend was so impressed at how well the teacher knew her daughter and how she was her biggest advocate.  That is the great responsibility we hold for each student.  We need to be their biggest advocate, cheerleader, and coach.  

Here are some tips:
  1. Send a questionnaire home to get a focus for parent concerns.
  2. Getting students involved is important so they are owning their learning.  See information on student led conferences.  ASCD Article  Step by step blog
  3. Take the "sandwich" approach. I start with something positive, continue with the things that the child needs to work on, and I finish with something positive.
  4. Plan the essential things you want to share.  Strength and an area to work on.  Essential data and work samples.
  5. Listen to parents concerns and have a 2 way conversation.
  6. Don't talk down to parents. Be honest and truthful. Try to speak in the positive, not always negative. Offer positive ways to help a struggling child.
  7. Get support from Max and Susie as needed.
Remember to give a copy of your conference schedule to Linda and to block out 45 minutes for dinner.  Thank you to PTO who will be serving dinner from 3-6 pm.  

Friday, October 4, 2013

WASCD Learning from Appleton, WI


WASCD New Learning

Continually growing and changing is who we all NEED to be in education.  The point of the blog is to continue our Professional Learning Community at Hudson Prairie.  We need to continue to share our learning. 
You should be proud of your colleagues Jodi Magee, Amy Gallick, Amanda McCarthy, and Deb Brastad who shared their journey with SLO's at the conference.  They had around 60 educators from around the state learn with them.  I am impressed by the knowledge of the link between teaching and learning that was evident as we shared our story with SLO development.  The presentation is located  at our SLO wikispace.  Check out the introduction tab on the right and check out WASCD Presentation.

Rick Wormeli was the keynote speaker.  He spoke about Standards based grading and assessment in the CCSS! Wormeli Standards Based Grading Video
Here are some tips.
  • Report behaviors separate from academic standards.
  • Grades should only reflect evidence of the CCSS.
  • Make feedback active for kids.  For example they could find 3 mistakes instead of us circling errors.  Let kids critique others work.  The thought is whoever does the editing is learning,
  • Formative assessment is where the learning happens.  Ideas for formative assessment is to have students make metaphors or analogies to show their learning.  For example, share what an SLO is like.  Students can also write a 6 word memoirs to share your understanding of a topic such as immigration,
  • More than right answer video to show flexibility: More than 1 right answer
  • Practice makes permanent not perfect.
  • Be clear: We mark and grade against standards/outcomes, not the routes students take or techniques teachers use to achieve those standards/outcomes.
  • Focus on decisions made in the learning journey to link actions to learning,  I noticed.... The result was...
  • On top of the test list the standards and you get a grade for each Standard to show direct connections,
  • If you make homework meaningful, kids will do it.Wormeli Homework Video
  • Pre-assessment should be used to plan instruction to correct misconceptions, to have students monitor growth, and prime the brain
  • Redo's make students accountable.Wormeli Redo Video
Supporting Change  Wormeli Supporting Change Video
  • Every teacher is an ambassador to the profession. Talk to each other to solve problems and keep us professional and responsible to our profession,
  • Nobody cares what we teach. It’s what students carry forward that matters.  Focus on learning,
  • Ted Talk to model instruction.

Student Learning Objectives

SLOs are all about setting goals for growth.  Dave sent an email earlier about SLOs, in case you missed it, you can read it here:  Message from Dave
To help support you the PD resources below have been developed and your Professional Learning time around conferences will be dedicated to this process.  
This will be a self-directed learning experience. 

Please use this wikispace as a resource   

Click on Oct. 17-18 tab on the right


Thursday October 17-
8-12- Professional Learning

Step 1 Intro to SLO

  1. Watch voice thread anytime on Thursday.   If you want to do it collaboratively as a team or in the media center at 8:15 am.  Bring popcorn and treats.
  2. Use to post questions and comments.           

12-8- Conferences


Friday October 18
8-12- Professional Learning

Steps 2-6 to write a draft of the SLO

Susie will be available in the media center for support.


Media meets at North

Art, P.E., Music meet at Houlton

ESL - home-building; consider joining grade-level team

Counselors - meet

Reading and SPED - home building (ideal: one of the grade-level teacher's tiers is a collaboration with SPED) reference IEP goals



October 24- SLO Roll Through to support and refine SLO


November 1- SLO Goal Approval with Susie