Educator Effectiveness

SLO Information
Sample SLO

Uploading Artifacts

Documentation Log 

Stronge Standards

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2014-15
Introduction to Educator Effectiveness

Requirements for Teachers 2015-16

Modified HP Timeline


Scavenger Hunt
My Learning Plan Quick Guide


Classroom Observations
Stronge Standards and Indicators


Documentation Log
Sample artifacts for Teachers
Sample artifacts for Specialists
How to add an artifact- You Tube
How to add an artifact Kevin Moore
Adding artifacts John Hilding
Educational Specialist Completing a Documentation Log:
Teacher Completing a Documentation Log


Student Survey
Examples from TLA

Q & A about Educator Effectiveness
Work Session- Survey reflection, SLO prep for midyear, Acknowledge elements, Documentation Log
SLO Resources

February/ March

Work Session- Documentation Log and feedback
Sample artifacts for Teachers
Sample artifacts for Specialists
How do I  delete an artifact?
Log into My Learning Plan
Click on the Left to My Evaluations
Click on Artifacts
Find the artifact to be deleted.
If there is a red X click on that to delete.
If there is not a red x, click on the magnifying glass.  It will bring you to the document you attached it to and you will have the option to delete it from there.

I am thinking it has something to do if you loaded it on a separate form or in the artifact section.


Summative Rating Process


Suggestions for Improvement
SLO final meeting preparation with Reflection on SLO Process
PPG Reflection

DPI SLO Process and Scoring Guide
1st Conference
2nd Conference
End of the year Conference
SLO Data should be files until end of year data as an artifact.

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