Thursday, January 26, 2017

Late Start Feb. 2, 2107- Educator Effectiveness

Educator Effectiveness Timeline
To do...
Finalize or acknowledge all observations.

Professional Goal Setting Review
(Mid-Interval SLO Review)
Due:  Please Submit this form no later than January 31st.
Final SLO Due May 15

Reflect on the mid-interval status of your goal and the process you used to support the growth of your target population: This should include mid-year data update applicable to the SLO. Reflection on the progress your students have made since the beginning of the year, and where they are in comparison to the end of year goal.
Please attach the data sheet as an artifact the updated data sheet as it did not copy on the midyear goal form. If it is a Google Doc choose URL and copy the address in the box.
Please make sure you are looking at your tiered goal statement, not the January expectation.

Strategies/Modifications to Address Barriers: Based on the Mid-Interval Status of Goal and knowledge you have gained from the first half of the year what will you adjust or do differently to ensure all students meet goals.

Look at individual students who are not meeting their goal. What are you going to do to support them?

Look at the instructional Strategies and Support from above. What was successful and what do you need to do to continue to help students meet their goal.

Revised SLO with Rationale (if appropriate):  This will most often be left blank unless you have students that you need to adjust their goal for because of specific circumstances.

Feb. 2 & Feb. 14- SLO Midyear Meetings for those on cycle or and optional for others.
Sign up  here to schedule an individual conference

Student Survey
  1. Administer same survey/same clientele
  2. Reflect on results
Due: February 28
Documentation Log/ Artifacts
Due: April 21
March 16- Support Seminar Documentation Log/ Artifacts

1.  Determine which standards you need artifacts in.
Probationary Year 1-  1 artifact in:
Standard 2- Planning
Standard 4- Assessment
Standard 6- Professionalism

Probationary Year 2-  1 artifact in:
Standard 2- Planning
Standard 4- Assessment
Standard 6- Professionalism

Probationary Year 3-  1 artifact in:
Standard 1- Professional Knowledge
Standard 3- Instructional Delivery
Standard 5- Learning Environment

Non- Probationary- Upload artifacts in any standard so at the end of 3 years you have 12-15 standards.  It could be 4-5/ year.  
Make sure you have:
  • Standard 2- 2 artifacts
  • Standard 4- 2 artifacts
  • Standard 6- 2 artifacts
  • 6-9 artifacts from any standard

Probationary Year 1-  1 artifact in:
Standard 3- Assessment
Standard 4- Program Planning and Management
Standard 6- Professionalism

Probationary Year 2-  1 artifact in:
Standard 3- Assessment
Standard 4- Program Planning and Management
Standard 6- Professionalism

Probationary Year 3-  1 artifact in:
Standard 1- Professional Knowledge
Standard 2- Communication and Collaboration
Standard 5- Program Delivery

Non- Probationary- Upload artifacts in any standard so at the end of 3 years you have 12-15 standards.  It could be 4-5/ year.  
Make sure you have:
  • Standard 1- 1 artifact- Professional Knowledge
  • Standard 2- 1 artifact- Communication and Collaboration
  • Standard 3- 1 artifact- Assessment
  • Standard 4- 1 artifact- Program Planning and Management
  • Standard 5- 1 artifact- Program Delivery
  • Standard 6- 1 artifact- Professionalism
  • 6-9 artifacts from any standard

2.  Determine what artifacts you want to have in your documentation log.
Look at which standards your observations, SLO, and Survey have evidence in.
  • Add artifacts for areas you do not have a lot of evidence for.  
  • Think of things you have done that has a strong impact on student learning.
  • Think about areas where you have grown this year as a professional.
  • Think about ways you have helped your colleagues grow.
  • Think about things that move toward student owning their learning, assessment, and behavior.
  • Think about putting student work examples not blank forms in as artifacts.
  • Here are some ideas for artifacts:    List of log ideas for each standard                                                                                 Hudson artifact ideas for each standard  
3.   Uploading Artifact

1.  Describe how this artifact provides evidence for this standard.

2.  Describe how this artifact impacted your professional practice and knowledge.
3.  Detail the impact on student learning this artifact demonstrates.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

PBIS Staff Booster- Jan. 26, 2017

PBIS Boosters are meant to 



expected behaviors!

We completed our PBIS Boosters for our students.

On our PBIS Survey, an area of need was to have a common professional development on supervision for all staff at HP. 

On 1/19/17 we explored this with Noon Duty and Lunchroom staff.
On 1/26/ 17 we will explore it together

Learning Targets:  I know effective supervision practices. I have one goal to improve my supervision.
What is supervision?
An opportunity to build relationships with students, acknowledge appropriate behaviors, and keep Hudson Prairie a safe place for everyone.

View Systematic Supervision Video

PBIS Booster for Staff- Supervision

Create a goal to improve your supervision

Go Public
Reflect on your progress and apply your goal

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Jan. 23 Professional Learning

Elementary Professional Learning
January 23, 2017
Hudson Prairie

Go to ConnectEd

Please bring a device
Learning Targets:
I can articulate updates in curriculum in Math, Integrated Units of Inquiry, Literacy.
I can reflect on progress toward my SLO and PPG and make plans for the remainder of the school year.

8-8:30-  Common Messages in the Gym by Learning Support Services- (Sandi, Amy, Lisa)
       All elementary ECH-5 teachers, special ed, specialists, GT, Motor, Everyone

8:45-11-Grade level/ Team Personalization
                    (ESL/GT join a grade level. Special Ed  join a grade level until 10 for math updates)

Kindergarten and First Grade
  8:45- 9:45-  K/1 - Using Running Records to inform instruction in Media Center (Amy Wise and Reading Specialists)
  9:45-11- Kindergarten- Math Updates -  Mrs. Jenson’s room 141
                                                                                                     (Amy Hamborg) (Elsa B, Corey Rogers, Katherine Schulte)
  9:45-11- 1st Grade- Math Updates - Mrs. Aschenbrenner’s Room 131
                                       (Katie Coppenbarger) (Misty Ohman, Kim Domeier, Patrice Denning, Karen Halvorson, Megan Condon)

Second - Fifth Grades: Math and Integrated Units of Inquiry Updates
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
Ms. Zamzow’s  Room 160
Mrs. Larson’s Room 123
Mrs. Head’s Room 151
Mrs. DeLong’s Room 121
IUI Leader

8:45 - 9:45
Julie Zamzow,
Nikki Lagerstrom,
Greta Lewis
Mary Wicker,
Rachel Mueller,
Charlotte Kempfert
Lori Head,
Julie Warren
Kevin Knoke,
Heather Bohl,
John Mueller
Math Leader

9:45 - 11:00
Patrick Sahli
Peg Rushmeyer
Dan Murray
Michelle Beer
Dan Rock
Linda Wagner
Renee Bishop
Paula Feyereisen
Tim Olson
Cathy Shewe
Charmaine Lindberg
Jennifer Schwalbach
Chris Reckinger
Michelle DeLong
Gail Jung
Principal/ Coach
Sue Hellmers
Chloe Brine
Susie Prather
Lori Bieging
Kim Osterheus
Lisa Skoyen
Dolf Schmidt
Amanda McCarthy

Art- PLC Mrs. Youngman’s Room 220
Music- PLC Mrs. Gallick’s Room 221 if needed
Phy Ed- PLC Office Conference Room 104
Media- PLC Mrs. Cook’s Room 153
School Counselors- PLC Ms. Dierk’s Room 114
Reading Teachers- PLC Mrs. Brook’s Room 134
Elementary GT Team- You will meet Feb. 2
Elementary ESL- PLC GT Room Room 205
Motor Team-PLC (River Crest)
Early Childhood- PLC 8:45-10  Mrs. Schroeder’s room 300

10-12- Special Educators Results Driven Accountability (RDA) in Media Center

12-12:45- Lunch on your own

1-3- K-12 Music- Planning concerts High School Band Room

12:45 -4- Work Time (Building specific)
  1. Collect Mid-Year SLO Data and complete Mid-Interval SLO  Review   “SUBMIT” your Mid-Interval SLO Review no later than January 31st
  2. Plan for Guided Reading/ IUI/ Math
  3. Videotape a read aloud for I Love to Read
  4. Explore Guided Reading Teaching videos from Jan Richardson
Check out these videos from Jan Richardson as she goes through each level of reader and specific skills.  Each video is broken into segments and lasts 2-3 minutes long.  
Pre A                       Emergent                Early
Transitional             Fluent                      Comprehension Module

Professional Goal Setting Review (Mid-Interval SLO Review)

Date:  Please Submit this form no later than January 31st.

Reflect on the mid-interval status of your goal and the process you used to support the growth of your target population: This should include mid-year data update applicable to the SLO. Reflection on the progress your students have made since the beginning of the year, and where they are in comparison to the end of year goal.
Please attach the data sheet as an artifact the updated data sheet as it did not copy on the midyear goal form. If it is a Google Doc choose URL and copy the address in the box.
Inline image 1
Inline image 2
Please make sure you are looing at your tiered goal statement, not the January expectation.

Strategies/Modifications to Address Barriers: Based on the Mid-Interval Status of Goal and knowledge you have gained from the first half of the year what will you adjust or do differently to ensure all students meet goals.

Look at individual students who are not meeting their goal. What are you going to do to support them?

Look at the instructional Strategies and Support from above. What was successful and what do you need to do to continue to help students meet their goal.

Revised SLO with Rationale (if appropriate):  This will most often be left blank unless you have students that you need to adjust their goal for because of specific circumstances.

Feb. 2 & Feb. 14- SLO Midyear Meetings for those on  cycle or and optional for others.
Sign up  here to schedule an individual conference

This is the format for the midyear meeting.  Here is a sample video so you know what to expect.

Let me know if you have any questions or need any support.