Friday, April 24, 2015

Planning for 2015-16

Can you believe we are planning for next year?  May is almost here.  

Our Tuesday staff meeting will be devoted to planning for 2015-16.

Here are the Planning slides for your teams to review at  our staff meeting and the next Day 6 Collaboration.  You will have hard copies packets at the meeting.  Make sure you hand in one copy to Susie for your team with your input. 
Here are important links:
HP Survey
Hudson School District Survey
Summer Library Sign Up

We will also have forms to use to reflect on your SLO.  We will collaboratively score them and some of you may want to reflect and self assess your work on the process as well as the goal.  Remember SLO meetings are scheduled for May 6 & May 20  Sign up outside my office!  Our May 12 our staff meeting will be optional as a support session for Educator Effectiveness.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Learning from others about.... The Badger Exam

Badger Exam Questions and Answers

Thank you to our colleagues who have started the Badger Exam.  They have provided feedback from the Middle School, Houlton, and RiverCrest.  Please check out the questions and answers to the Badger Exam on the link above.

Please add more questions on the Google Doc above we can continue to learn together about the Badger Exam. 

Friday, April 10, 2015

Ellen- Power of Teachers

Power of Teachers

Thank you for all you do to make a difference for our students. 

As I reflect on our students at the talent show yesterday, we have taught students to live the learner qualities.  
They demonstrated: 

  • Risk- taking by sharing their talent in front of 500 people.
  • Caring by encouraging others and sharing successes.
  • Perseverance by working hard.  Brenna started her song 3 times because of technical difficulties and never flinched.
  • Teamwork by working together on planning the show and all of the group talents.

I am so proud of our students, teachers, and families.

This doesn't happen by accident.  It is from the continued commitment to teaching, modeling, and caring for each individual student.    

This short video honors the multitude of ways teachers make a difference in this world.
Ellen Power of Teachers

We want to honor your work with a District Happy Hour on May 1.  I hope we can all celebrate together our hard work and the amazing profession I am honored to work in: EDUCATION!  

Friday, April 3, 2015

Badger Exam April 9 Late Start

Badger Exam April 9 Late Start- at HP 
3-5 and Teachers Involved in the Badger Exam will work from 8-10 in the Media Center
K-2 will be preparing for PALS as individuals or as teams
Special Teachers will work on Educator Effectiveness as individuals or teams

How can I prepare myself as a teacher?
Proctor PowerPoint as a staff
Sign Confidentiality agreement
Performance Tasks 

As teams or individuals:
Teacher Tutorial (Links are located on home page HSD Folder 2)
  • Logging into the test 3:46
  • Test Navigation :34
  • Test Tools 10:01
  • Reviewing and Submitting 1:31
  • Preparing Students :48

How can I prepare my students?
Student Tutorial  
15:51  together on SMART Board  

Eliminate Global Notes Section

Bring the students to the lab to practice with...

Sample Test-  Plan for approximately 30 minutes for math and 30 minutes for reading.  You can do one or both if you want.  The purpose is to get familiar with the format and tools. You may sign up on the Skyward calendar or use other devices such as laptops or chrome books.

Other Resources:

Here is the UPDATED schedule for HP Spring Assessments- Badger Exam and MA


Testing Day:
  1. Check to make sure all testing tickets are there for all students as soon as they arrive.  Let Anita know if some are missing any tickets or if there are errors.
  2. Complete the student tutorial in your class on the SMART Board
  3. Take the practice test to familiarize students with the format.
  4. Communicate to families exact testing times to minimize absences.
  5. Bring a quiet activity for early finishers. (Book, drawing, fun packet)
  6. Remind students that no electronic devices are allowed. (Kindles, iPads, phones, etc.)
  7. Copiers will unplugged and all disruptions will be minimized.
  1. Read directions.  (Unlimited time)
  2. Encourage students to do their best
  3. Help students log in- The first digit is a zero not an o
  4. Walk around to monitor student work
  5. List kids who have not tested and put their test ticket in the appropriate bucket
  6. If kids need a break send them for a drink.  No need to PAUSE.
  7. Give a 10 minute warning so students can complete flagged items.  You will not be able to go back and finish.
  8. When the session is over if you are complete select SUBMIT.  If you need more time and are not complete select LOGOUT.
  1. Collect tickets and scratch paper and put in appropriate bin to be shredded.
  2. All bins will be locked up in Susie's office for security each night.
  3. Celebrate the hard work.

How many questions on the test?
ELA-  about 45-47 questions
Math- about 40 questions
Math Performance Assessment- 4-6 questions

Please add more questions on the Google Doc above we can continue to learn together about the Badger Exam.