Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Educator Effectiveness Support Session- April 7

Our Optional Staff Meeting on April 7 will be designated as a Support Session for Educator Effectiveness.
Here are the requirements:
The guiding documents can be seen here for teachers and here for specialists.

I encourage you to visit the Educator Effectiveness tab on the Elementary PD website for access to all the information that has been shared including timelines, requirements, and screen casts.  The information included should help to answer questions you may have as you begin your work.  Here is a link that will take you directly to that page:  Elem PD Ed. Effectiveness

Here is your to do list:

March 4- SURVEY

Year 2 continuing teachers and year 2 probationary teachers survey students second time and reflect on Survey Analysis

April 7- OBSERVATIONS- Acknowledge all observations with thumbs up

On cycle teachers submit documentation log:

Probationary- 9-15 artifacts over 3 year period. (3-5 year year)
Documentation LogYear 1  Teacher

Standards 2,4,6 (3 total)
Year 1  Specialist

Standards 3,4,6 (3 total)
Year 2 Teacher

Standards 2,4,6 (3 total)
Year 2 Specialist

Standards 2,4,6 (3 total)
Year 3 Teacher

Standard 1,3,5 (3 total)
Year 3 Specialist

Standard 1,3,5 (3 total)

Non- Probationary- 8-15 artifacts over 3 year period.
Non-Probationary Educators

Reflection Prompts:
  • Overview of the artifacts:  Name documents you want included in the reflection
  • Connection to the standard:
  • Impact on Student Learning:
  • Impact on my practice
  • Why I chose this artifact for my evaluation:
  • Strengths or areas for improvement of this artifact/practice:  

May 23- SLO Final
Submit end of the year SLO and reflection of PPG
EP Teacher/ Specialist  Professional Goal Setting Review with final data updated

Sign up for SLO End of Year Meetings of on cycle or if you choose.

All probationary and Year 3 continuing teacher receive a summative evaluation with review of documentation log

Saturday, March 26, 2016

How can I build a positive climate in my class school?

Our staff meeting on Thursday March 31 will be inquiring about the essential question:

How we can I build or contribute to a positive climate at Hudson Prairie and in my classroom?

Why do we need to do this?

  • We all want to feel cared for and valued by the significant people in our world. Students are no different.
  • Research shows that POSITIVE teacher/ student relationships has a .72 effect on student achievement.
  • Kohn (1996)  “Children are more likely to be respectful when important adults in their lives respect them. They are more likely to care about others if they know they are cared about” (p. 111). 
  • Marzano (2003) states that students will resist rules and procedures along with the consequent disciplinary actions if the foundation of a good relationship is lacking. He goes on to assert that relationships are perhaps more important at the elementary and junior high levels than at the high school level. 
  •  Zehm and Kottler (1993), students will never trust us or open themselves up to hear what we have to say unless they sense that we value and respect them.
Here is our current reality with the results of our student surveys:
Climate Results

Aria will stop by your prep on Thursday March 31st for 10-15 minutes to discuss specific individuals.

Go Public
Think about actions you can take to help all students feel cared about and to make sure we treat every student just like they were our child.  We need to be their biggest advocate and cheerleader and show each student how much we love and respect them as a person.

Aria and I are planning to meet with Grade 3-5 students on April 4 who feel bullied during Target Time to make a plan to support them.

Please share ideas how you build a positive climate in your classroom or in our school by commenting below.

Here is a start:
Greet kids each morning with a hug and genuine conversation.
Responsive Classroom- Morning Meetings Games and Greetings
I Love You Rituals Introduction
I Love You Rituals for Older students

Friday, March 18, 2016

Everyday Math Update March 24

Our Math Reps Elsa Brettingen (K), Misty Ohman (1), and Maija Stubbendick met with Everyday Math Representatives and will share their learning.


Everyday Math Resources for Teachers

Meeting Individual Needs in Everyday Math

Online Differentiation Tools.

Updated Resources to go with our Edition of EDM.

On the comments please list questions you may have for our math reps.

Staff Meeting March 24th  EDM Presentation

PLC March 29- explore tools together

Go Public
Use new learning

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Wisconsin Forward Exam- March 15-19

An online assessment for Wisconsin students, developed with Wisconsin educators.

Moving Forward

Beginning in spring 2016, Wisconsin students will take the Forward Exam. The new custom assessment will be administered in English language arts and mathematics in grades 3 through 8, in science in grades 4 and 8, and in social studies in 4, 8.

We will meet Thursday for all teachers in grades 3-5 and anyone involved in the Spring Assessments.   Prior to our meeting, please review the links below and post any questions you have so we can address them.
Test Times
HP ScheduleMarch 28-May 20
Proctor Guidelines

Writing Rubric
Item types

Family Brochure

Teacher To do...

Investigate & Coaleace
HP Proctor PPT

Go Public
Before the Assessment
Student Tutorials (25- 30 min.)

Practice test for studentsFirefox, Chrome Browsers (30 min.)
Test Preparation PPT  (10 min.)

Practice test item format as a class (15-30 min.)
Encourage students to do their best and have grit.
This is a great video on neuroplasticity - how brains are able to change and how to make new patterns (growth mindset and grit) 
This is a youtube channel that has many great brain videos!

One more website with videos on grit!

During the Assessment
Quick Guide
Log in at https://wi.drcedirect.com/default.aspx
Monitor students and provide breaks and encouragement as needed.
Encourage students to have Grit

After the Assessment
Celebrate effort.
Use results to personalize instruction.
Shred materials