Thursday, September 29, 2016

Hudson Prairie Student Supports- Oct. 6

Hudson Prairie Student Supports


Check out the SST Tab on the blog
Comment to questions you have.

Investigate/ Coaleace
Student Supports Presentation

Go Public
What student supports do you need?
Who can help you?
PBIS World
Progress Monitoring Oct. 18

Friday, September 23, 2016

New Handbook & Involving Students in Conferencing

Image result for staff handbooksAn Inquiry into our new staff handbooks

8:00- Certified Staff
8:45- Support Staff

The Board approved the new 2016-17 Certified Staff Handbook and support staff handbookOver the past several months, Human Resources has been working with the Teacher Advisory Committee and District leadership to update the existing handbooks.  The goal of the new handbook is to better layout the practices and expectations of the District.  We want it to be both a guide for new staff to acquaint them to our District and for existing staff to use a reference throughout their career.  

Review your handbook.
List questions on the comments below.
Certified Staff Handbook
Support Staff Handbook

Investigate/ Coalesce
Andrea and Holly will highlight changes and answer your questions.

Go Public
Use this handbook when questions arise.

Involving students in conferencing

Conferences are an important time to connect with families.  We are fortunate at Hudson Prairie with the supportive and involved families we have.   As I spend time conferencing you I am impressed how well you know your students, have data to share, and how we are our student's  biggest advocate, cheerleader, and coach. 
Here are some tips:
  1. Send a questionnaire home to get a focus for parent concerns.
  2. Getting students involved is important so they are owning their learning.  See information on student led conferences below.  
  3. Take the "sandwich" approach. I start with something positive, continue with the things that the child needs to work on, and I finish with something positive.
  4. Plan the essential things you want to share.  Strengths and an area to work on.  Essential data and work samples.  Don't feel like you have to discuss MAP and PALS assessments.  We will have those printed out for you along with explanation letters.
  5. Listen to parents concerns and have a 2 way conversation.
  6. Don't talk down to parents. Be honest and truthful. Try to speak in the positive, not always negative. Offer positive ways to help a struggling child
  7. Don't diagnose students.  Describe areas of difficulties and accommodations you are doing to support them.
  8. Speak about your student the way you want someone to talk about your child
  9. Get support from Susie or Aria as needed!  Sign up sheets are outside my office.

How can I infuse student choice and voice in conferencing?  Student Led Conferencing

What is it?
Student’s moment to share his or her reflections on achievements and challenges.

What are the benefits?
  • Parent attendance is high
  • Students take responsibility for own learning
  • Promotes reflection
  • Students communicate what they are learning
  • Goal setting-  You may use MAP Goal setting and think of specific actions to help.
What are the disadvantages?
  • What do you do with un-involved families?
  • Need straight talk with teacher
What are the different jobs?
  • Student is the leader
  • Teacher is the facilitator
  • Family is an active participant
What do I do?
  • Send parents a questionnaire to gather input.
  •  Gather artifacts in a portfolio and reflect on what they are proud of and possible areas to grow.  
  • Reflect weekly on artifacts.
  • Choose your top 3-4 pieces of work.
  • Practice as a class and with older students or other staff members on how to lead the conference.
  • Plan 2 specific talking points for parents. Think of a praise and an area for growth.
  • Support and coach
  • Involve parents in the conference.
  • Celebrate student ownership.
  • Reflect on areas for improvement.
Take a look at an example of a student led conference:

What different formats?
  • 1 on 1 student led conferences
  • Stations where you are at one and you have 3 families at a time rotating with a timer.
1.  Math games
2.  Reading/ Writing goals
3. Portfolio sharing with teacher.


How could it evolve?
I would start small in the Fall with a short reflection.
In February, students can lead it more.

Please share comments and resources to support your colleagues with conferences.  

Friday, September 16, 2016

Sept. 22 Late Start- How will we know if they learned it?

How will we know they learned it?  Formative Assessment

How will we know if they learned it?
(Sept. 22)
  1. Identify criteria for success from the map.
  2. Determine an assessment task.
  3. How can students get involved in their learning?  

Presentation       HP PLC Process        HP PLC Products

Specialist PLC Process
Specialist Products

Counselor Norms
Art Team Norms
Phy Ed Norms
LMS Norms
Music Norms
ESL Norms

Team or personal work time:
Finish Reflecting on the standards and indicators
Begin planning SLO & PPG in My Learning Plan

Plan for personalized instruction
Think about next step of PLC- Teaching
Teaching (Oct.)

  1. Use the curriculum map to plan how you are going to teach the essential learning.
  2. Observe colleagues teaching.
  3. Reflect on your teaching collaboratively.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Epi pen training & Transition Meetings- Sept. 15

1.  Review HP Norms
We will come prepared with realistic agendas and stay on topic.
We will be present. 
We will be respectful of other’s opinions, feelings, perspectives, and time.
We will stay positive and focus on working toward a solution.
We will be professional and confidential and nothing said leaves the room.
We will bring treats to the meeting :)

2.  Medication & Epi pen Training with Sara Felland

Please keep students with Epipens and medication with you on field trips.

Medication Reminders:

  • Right Student
  • Right Medication
  • Right Dose
  • Right Route
  • Right Time
  • Right Documentation

3.  Tech Tidbits

4.  Transition Meetings will be held to better get to know strategies that work with our students.
Please think of questions you may want to ask with last years teachers to better serve your students.
We will use the I noticed... I wonder... format. 
Please remain professional and speak to teachers as if it were your child.

Transition Meeting Form

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

PBIS Kickoff- Sept. 8

PBIS Kickoff

Review HP Norms
We will come prepared with realistic agendas and stay on topic.
We will be present. 
We will be respectful of other’s opinions, feelings, perspectives, and time.
We will stay positive and focus on working toward a solution.
We will be professional and confidential and nothing said leaves the room.
We will bring treats to the meeting :)

Review PBIS Climate Tab

The PBIS Team will share important parts of the PBIS System.
What is the difference between a major and a minor?

Reflect on the 2016-17 Kickoff & PBIS Go!
Reflect on Recess First Reflections & Process

Go Public
Use PBIS System

Friday, September 2, 2016

Getting to Know YOU as a READER- Sept. 5-9

Getting to know your readers!
Our challenge during the first 6 weeks of school is getting to know our students as people and as readers.  
Check out this article  by Jennifer Serravallo describing ways to get to know your readers. 
On Sept. 6 PLC, we are going to gather baseline Spring data from our students to get to know them as readers to begin Conferring and Guided Reading Groups by Sept. 26.

1.  Review Spring F & P and MAP Data on the spreadsheet.  I will put it in your mailboxes.

2.  In the transition folders, review the last F & P test and form of strengths and areas for growth.

3.  Confer with your students during the first month to confirm the data and your students' strengths and needs.

4. Set up Guided Reading Groups to begin by Sept. 26.  Possible formats are linked.
Guided Reading Group Set Up 3 groups M-F
Guided Reading Set Up 2 groups and confer
Guided Reading Set Up 6 day cycle

5.  Plan for the groups instruction using the resources below.

Guided Reading Library Inventory
Guided Reading Questions A-Z