Saturday, March 8, 2014

Please Don't Give Up on Me!

As teachers we have all kinds of students; rule followers,ones that push our buttons, and puzzles we are trying to find out.  Those students exist in every school across the United States and the Globe for that matter.

I imagine each of us have similar examples from our childhood and remember that special teacher who believed in us. Mrs. Grams showed she loved me in 2nd grade when she wore the paper jewelry I made her.  Mr. Otis, my 5th and 6th grade teacher, enjoyed playing and learning with us and encouraged me to be a strong independent 10 year old.  These models I hold close to my heart as they have impacted me.  

Each year I spent in the classroom, I made it my goal to make a difference in my student's eyes and help them believe they are important.  It's the Drake, EJ, and Tony that I remember and have hope that my efforts made a difference in their lives.

I had those days where I thought "I've had enough, I've tried everything and nothing is working". And I hear those around me say "Well you've done all you can, move on and focus on the kids you can reach".  And some days I actually believe I have done all I can to reach that "unreachable" child.

So I write this today, on behalf of all those "difficult" or withdrawn or hurting students who need a voice.  Those kids who are silently begging you, "Please don't give up on me."  Those kids who feel their lives are out of their own control, or feel that no one notices them, or feel that they're too far gone for anyone to truly love them.  Let's continue to take those precious moments we have with our students and "check in" with them. To truly connect with them show we love them.

During Spring Break, let's rest and enjoy the break but also reflect on this priceless role we play. We are teachers, educators, because we care and believe in each and every student.    We are lucky because we truly make a difference in this world.  Listen to your student asking you, "Please don't give up on me!"

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