Friday, August 29, 2014

Welcome Back Focus

Our rose ceremony reminded us to keep our focus on students and the 3 R's.
  • I will do whatever it takes to help each student succeed.
  • I will work with my teams to support student learning and each other.
  • I will commit to making learning rigorous and relevant.
  • I will show students I care and build trusting relationships.

Heidi Hayes- Jacob's Chair reminded us to make every decision with our students in mind. Speak about our students with respect and kindness as if they are always in the room.

Check out this video for students and staff to have a great start to school.
Inspirational Video

I hope you have a great school year!  
Please comment and send well wishes to your colleagues.  

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for a great first week of school. I appreciate your commitment to building a strong classroom community and teaching and practicing above the line behaviors and routines.
