Documentation Log
On Tuesday we will explore the Documentation log of or educator effectiveness system.
This provides a chance for you to share with me some of the things that you are doing that I may not see in your classroom.
Before the meeting, think about 1 thing you would like me to know about you as an educator and be ready to share it.
What standard would it align to?
1- Professional Knowledge
2- Instructional Planning
3- Instructional Delivery
4- Assessment for/of learning
5- Learning Environment
6- Professionalism
What standards would be hard for me to observe in your classroom?
These would be areas to add artifacts. They are highlighted above in red.
At our staff meeting we will brainstorm possible artifacts here. You may begin to add ideas before the meeting.
Please bring your laptop so you can practice adding an artifact.
Student Portfolio
A student portfolio and a documentation log are comparable. They both demonstrate and showcase learning.Think about how this could be used with your students.
How could your students use a portfolio to demonstrate their learning?
This is a powerful assessment tool that can demonstrate growth and can be used for students to share their learning at student led conferences.
Strengths of portfolio assessment
• They allow the teacher to see the student as an individual, each with his or her own unique set of characteristics, needs, and strengths.
• They help students be more accountable for the work they do in class and the skills and knowledge we are asking them to acquire.
• They involve students in the assessment process, thus giving them a more meaningful role in improving achievement.
• They invite students to reflect upon their growth and performance as learners.
• They involve parents and the community in taking measure of their children's academic achievement in the context of the school curriculum rather than as measured by more ambiguous standardized tests and grades.
Here are some examples of elementary student portfolios.
Here are web tools that you could use for electronic portfolios.
Please let Sue or I know if you would like to utilize portfolios in your classroom and we can support you in the process. In the International Baccalaureate Program, we used portfolios for all students in grades K-6 and it was a powerful tool for students to take ownership in their learning and show growth over time.
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