Monday, February 9, 2015

The Badger/ SMARTER Balanced Assessment

The Badger/ SMARTER Balanced Assessment is coming soon: April/ May

Our staff meeting on Tues. Feb. 10 will be an introduction to this exam.  

Our Day 6 on Feb. 20- Grades 3-5 Take sample test with shifts we can make in instruction to support student success.


The ELF's spent time digging deeper into this assessment and have some notes to keep in mind:
  • This is a state assessment for grades 3-5 in ELA and Math
  • The test in 2015 will NOT Be Adaptive!
  • This spring is baseline, that we do not want to see a switch to “test prep”, and that what we are working on to strengthen our core is on the right track.  
  • We see two needs – preparing teachers to administer and preparing students so they are familiar with the format used in the new assessments. The ELA team came up with a few suggestions for student preparation: 1) students should have experience reading text on a screen, 2) students should be given directions to complete independently, and 3) students should experience listening to nonfiction.

What can I do to support my students? 
  • Use the practice test with students  to practice the interface NOT grade specific questions.  Students should become acquainted with features such as scrolling, reading text on a computer screen, split screen, and some of the available tools (highlighting or note taking, for example).
  • Student tutorial
  • Familiarity reading on a device
  • Using dual screens
  • Follow written directions independently
  • Listen to nonfiction and recall information
  • Practice taking notes
  • Find evidence from the text to support your thought
  • Explain your thinking in writing
  • Share family brochure

What can I do to prepare myself?  

1 comment:

  1. I think in the lower grades the best way we can help is to give our kids more "screen" time reading. Raz Kids, Adapted Mind or something like that should help.
