Can you believe it is 2015?
How did you celebrate the new year?
Here are New Year Traditions around the World!
The New Year brings time for reflection on the past year and resolutions for the future.
Here are the top 12 reflections for teachers.
Some people also make predictions for the new year.
The Washington Post has made Education Predictions for 2015.
You will reassess students and reflect on your SLO. You will make predictions toward meeting the SLO and reflect on actions needed for the remainder of the school year to help every individual grow as a reader.
Time and support will be provided!
Jan. 5-13- Gather Midyear data for SLO
Jan. 13- Staff Meeting & Day 6- SLO Preparation
Jan. 19- 8-4 Professional Development Day- Individual reflection time with choice support sessions
SLO Support Sessions
- Using MAP Continuum to personalize instruction
- Data Collection Strategies Using Google Sheets
- Planning for Guided Reading using F & P Continuum and Jan Richardson- Bring 3 texts you plan on using for GR
- Using PALS data to personalize literacy instruction
- Exploring electronic resources to support literacy- Media
- Reflection on Guided Reading Structure (Video Analysis Protocol)
Sign up here for an individual conference if you are on cycle or if you are not on cycle you can meet as an individual or as a team. This is the format for the midyear meeting. Here is a sample video so you know what to expect.
In My Learning Plan,open up Goal Setting Review and answer the following questions:
I hope you have a a Happy 2015.
Please comment on a tradition, resolution, or prediction for 2015!