Sunday, January 18, 2015

Data Stories

Data Stories
Learning Target:  I can reflect on my data to inform instruction and improve student learning.
Data tells a story.  It is our job to reflect on the data and write the story to support student learning.

We have spent the last 2 weeks collecting data in reading to determine our progress toward our SMART Goal and to personalize and stretch our students during guided reading.   This is an important gauge to our success with both the SLO and our school SMART Goal.
You can run your data at any time from the NWEA website or our T drive.   I will print hard copies of some reports for you and the rest will go in the T drive: 2014-15 Data.  We are not planning on sending the progress reports home midyear unless you choose to print them or share them at conferences.

Fountas and Pinnell
What students are at their monthly target?  Why do you think they are there?
What students are NOT at their monthly target?  Why do you think they are NOT meeting their target?  What can we do to support their growth?

What students are not growing?  Why do you think they are not growing?  What can we do to support their growth?

Use the Fountas and Pinell Continuum to support growth for all students.

What trends do you see in your students writing? What are their strengths?  Why do you think these are strengths?  
What areas do you see for improvement?
What correlation do you see with your students reading and writing?

Class Report/ Grade Report/ Individual Student Report
Look at your students from the 0-20 percentile.  These are students in the red at risk.  
Do you agree with this data?  Why or why not?  
What are their biggest needs?  
Look deeper at strands. Look at the Descartes/ Continuum of Learning according to their RIT score to determine what are the next steps for instruction.

Look at your students from the 21-40 percentile.  These are kids to monitor who would be in the yellow zone.  
Do you agree with this data?  Why or why not?  
What are their biggest needs?  
Look deeper at strands.   Look at the Descartes according to their RIT score to determine what are the next steps for instruction.

Class Achievement Status and Growth Report
Look at the growth report.  
Which students are making expected growth?  Why do you think they are?

Which students are not making their growth target?  Why do you think they are not?  
What can you do to appropriately challenge them and support their growth?   

Look at the Descartes/ Continuum of Learning according to their RIT score to determine what are the next steps for instruction.  

NWEA would say an OK or average is 50% of your students meeting their growth target.
A good goal would be to have 60% of your students meeting their growth target.
A great goal would be to have 70% of your students meeting their growth target.

Our SMART Goal is to have 60% meeting their growth target.

A lot of time we look at the norms or averages in the nation to determine if our students are on track.

NWEA has put out a College and Career Study looking at the trajectory to success in correlation with ACT scores. Read more here.

These higher expectations is what e want to aim for and students meeting growth targets.

This is the comparison of these higher expectations.  We want to aim for the green.  Check your class report to see who is on track to these higher expectations.
Fall Fall NormWinterWinter NormSpringSpring Norm
***Based on ACT correlation with MAP
Hudson's GoalOn Track for College and Career Readiness
Average or norm for all students who take the MAP

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