January 19, 2015
Hudson Prairie
Learning Target: Reflect on SLO progress and actions; plan for the remainder of the year.
8-8:15 - Common messages- Meet in Gymnasium
8:15-9:15- Individual or Team Reflection of SLO and review My Learning Plan Rubric
9:15-10:30 & 10:45-12:00- SLO Support Sessions Sign up on Google Docs link for sessions. Note there are 2 sessions.
1) Teachers (Grade-level, Reading, GT, ESL, SLD, CID, EBD, Early Childhood) will choose 2 sessions
2) Specialist Teachers (Media, P.E., Art, Counselors, and Music) and will choose 1 session and meet with their team for the 2nd session time slot in Hudson Prairie
3) Educational Specialists (SLP, CD, OT, PT, VI, DHH, Social Worker, School Psychologists) will choose 1 session and meet with their team for the 2nd session time slot at Hudson Prairie
Resources for sessions
Resources for sessions
- Using MAP Continuum to Personalize Instruction (Amy Konkol, Jen Schwalbach and Amanda McCarthy) Computer Lab
- Data Collection Strategies Using Google Sheets (Katie and Nancy D.) Mrs. Schaeffer’s room with COW Labs
- Planning for Guided Reading using F & P Continuum-Bring 3 texts you plan on using for GR (Sue and Kim) Mrs. Brine’s Room 163
- Using PALS Data to Personalize Literacy Instruction (Rock K/1 Team & Amy Hamborg) Guidance Room 164
- Exploring Electronic Resources to Support Literacy- Media (Media Specialist Team - 3 each session) Media Center with COW
- Jan Richardson Guided Reading Video and Resources- Dolf & Susie Mrs. Brastad’s Room 162
- Reflection on Guided Reading Videos from teachers and Reading Specialist with Guided Reading look fors -Amy Wise, Kara, Sarah G., & Sarah J. Ms. Zamzow’s Room 161
- Marzano Strategies to Strengthen Student Engagement (Lori and Ann) Mrs. Delong’s Room 152
Team Meeting Locations:
Media- Media Center
Art- Art Room 220
Music- Music Room 221
Phy Ed- Conference Room
Counselors & Social Workers- Ms. Buege Room 300
12:00-1:00 - Lunch
1:00-4:00 - Individual or Team Planning
If you want your SLO midyear meeting on Jan. 19 we can from 1:30-4 or they will be on Feb. 3-4.
Sign up here for an individual or a team conference. If you are on cycle, we need to meet individually. This is the format for the midyear meeting. Here is a sample video so you know what to expect.
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