Friday, October 4, 2013

WASCD Learning from Appleton, WI


WASCD New Learning

Continually growing and changing is who we all NEED to be in education.  The point of the blog is to continue our Professional Learning Community at Hudson Prairie.  We need to continue to share our learning. 
You should be proud of your colleagues Jodi Magee, Amy Gallick, Amanda McCarthy, and Deb Brastad who shared their journey with SLO's at the conference.  They had around 60 educators from around the state learn with them.  I am impressed by the knowledge of the link between teaching and learning that was evident as we shared our story with SLO development.  The presentation is located  at our SLO wikispace.  Check out the introduction tab on the right and check out WASCD Presentation.

Rick Wormeli was the keynote speaker.  He spoke about Standards based grading and assessment in the CCSS! Wormeli Standards Based Grading Video
Here are some tips.
  • Report behaviors separate from academic standards.
  • Grades should only reflect evidence of the CCSS.
  • Make feedback active for kids.  For example they could find 3 mistakes instead of us circling errors.  Let kids critique others work.  The thought is whoever does the editing is learning,
  • Formative assessment is where the learning happens.  Ideas for formative assessment is to have students make metaphors or analogies to show their learning.  For example, share what an SLO is like.  Students can also write a 6 word memoirs to share your understanding of a topic such as immigration,
  • More than right answer video to show flexibility: More than 1 right answer
  • Practice makes permanent not perfect.
  • Be clear: We mark and grade against standards/outcomes, not the routes students take or techniques teachers use to achieve those standards/outcomes.
  • Focus on decisions made in the learning journey to link actions to learning,  I noticed.... The result was...
  • On top of the test list the standards and you get a grade for each Standard to show direct connections,
  • If you make homework meaningful, kids will do it.Wormeli Homework Video
  • Pre-assessment should be used to plan instruction to correct misconceptions, to have students monitor growth, and prime the brain
  • Redo's make students accountable.Wormeli Redo Video
Supporting Change  Wormeli Supporting Change Video
  • Every teacher is an ambassador to the profession. Talk to each other to solve problems and keep us professional and responsible to our profession,
  • Nobody cares what we teach. It’s what students carry forward that matters.  Focus on learning,
  • Ted Talk to model instruction.

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