Don't forget to check out for more resources and let me know if you have anything to add. Here are new items added today!
- On Step 1 tab I added Amanda McCarthy's step by step overview of her development of an SLO using the guiding questions from DPI.
- Here is a 5 minute video from DPI on an overview of SLO's. It is located on the home page.
Our next steps:
Thursday Oct. 24- I will come to day 6 collaboration meetings to support your SLO development. Some teams are ready to go through the approval criteria on the following form: Wi SLO selection Approval Rubric
Oct. 31 & Nov. 1- SLO Goal Approval Meetings. Sign up on Susie's door. We will reflect on the approval criteria here Wi SLO selection Approval Rubric
Nov. & Dec.- Collect Evidence
Jan. 15 - Midyear Conference/ Adjust Goal and strategies and support if needed
Feb.- April- Collect Evidence
May 27 - Submit evidence of Goal Attainment and evaluation meeting
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