Take it off the Plate!
Thank you for the great SLO meetings. I am impressed at the ease we are as a building talking about data, making rigorous yet attainable goals, and having sound instructional strategies to support every reader.
This time of the year, we tend to get overwhelmed. Here is an article that may show Signs you have too much on your plate.
I have cancelled the staff meeting on Nov. 5 for you reflect on what you can take off your plate.
Monday- Wednesday
I want you to use the filter below for everything you do.
Does it have to happen for STUDENT LEARNING or STUDENT SAFETY?
Yes- Is it a have to?
No- Is it a nice to do?
Is it a want to do?
You will have this handout in your mailbox to jot notes.
Determine something you can take off your plate or have students or parent volunteers do. Hopefully this can help us focus on what is most important- Student Learning or Student Safety.
Please comment below on something you took off your plate or are doing something different to work smarter!