Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Hudson Elementary Assessments- Update data by Oct. 12, 2016

We will not have a PLC on Oct. 11 and our staff meeting on Oct. 13 will be a short training for Check In Check Out Greeters so you have time to prepare for conferences and gather data to share with families.

In Hudson, we believe the purpose of assessment is:
1.  To know our students
2.  To inform instruction
3.  To communicate to students and families progress toward the standard.

Our goal is to minimize assessments and maximize the use of them to personalize instruction.
Here is the 2016 Assessment Schedule

Please notice the only formal Fountas and Pinell Benchamark Assessment will be utilized at the end of each trimester.  
1. Dec. 2
2. March 3
3. May 19

We are asking that you update reading levels using a running record or comprehension interview by Jan. 20.  
Running Records for K-2 students below grade level
Comprehension Checklist for 2-5 students below grade level
Check out the assessment tab on the blog for information on all district assessments.

This year, you will enter your own reading levels and or baseline data in Skyward, not on the shared Google Spreadsheet.  This data will be accessible through our new data warehouse, Educlimber immediately and will always be up to date and at our fingertips to get current data. It should take 3-5 minutes.  The first window is by Oct. 12, to update reading levels.  

For grades K-1, you will enter your baseline data.  
K/ 1 Data in Skyward

For all readers in grades K-5, you will enter either the Spring F & P level passed on or the new assessment for new students. 
Directions to put data in Skyward
Video tutorial on adding data to Skyward

This reflection on baselines will prepare us for conferences on Oct. 13 & 20.  
Please make sure you share the information in a clear way that families can understand. Please be ready to share a plan on how we are going to help their child grow as a reader.  Here are some resources that may be useful.

This will also prepare us for Progress Monitoring Meeting on Oct. 18 during your PLC.
Progress Monitoring Meeting/ Data Roll
Hudson Prairie example target time letter

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