Sunday, October 25, 2015

Using data to Differentiate Instruction

Our SMART Leadership Team wants to give us time to...

Learning Targets:

  • Understand the multiple forms of data we have for reading- F & P, MAP, PALS, Running Records, Comprehension checks, AIMS Progress Monitoring, and other formative assessments
  • Use the data to meet student needs- F & P Continuum, MAP Continuum


October 29, 2015 8-8:45


“One of the potentially powerful resources for informing instructional and school improvement school-wide data is enormously underutilized.”

 “The distinguishing characteristics of school wide data are that they are frequently and systematically collected across a grade level or content area about an important student outcome and quickly aggregated and examined for patterns that can help inform next steps.”

Supovitz, J.A., Klein, V. (2003). Mapping a Course for Improved Student Learning: How Innovative Schools Systematically Use Student Performance Data to Guide Improvement. Philadelphia: Consortium for Policy Research in Education, University of Pennsylvania.

Research has shown that using data in instructional decisions can lead to improved student performance (Wayman, 2005; Wayman, Cho, & Johnston, 2007; Wohlstetter, Datnow, & Park, 2008).

K-1 - Sue  Jenson in Mrs. Jenson's classroom
2-3-  Chloe Brine & Susie Prather in Ms. Zamzow's classroom
4-5- Michele Delong in Media Center

What to bring?

  1. Data
  2. Device
  3. F & P Continuum


How classroom instruction improves student learning by Thomas Gusky

Explore these resources and your baseline data
Fountas and Pinnell

Investigate/ Coalesce

PLC Conversation
Explore reports
Explore resources
Answer Questions Collaboratively

Go Public

Use the information for Guided Reading
MAP Reading South Washington County

Please post questions prior to the meeting or email your leaders so we can discuss them on Thursday.

1 comment:

  1. "To charge ahead knowing that students have not learned certain concepts or skills well would be foolish." This has been my question with Everyday Math, we are continuously moving on without the security of many important foundations. The idea of pretesting a unit would be most beneficial to help indicate those who are ready to move on...and the pace could be taken at the necessary rate for those who need it.
